My bank issued a new card to me AND The Liven charged US$99.99 to my new credit card again!

Unauthorised charge, No Notice northbound Invoice issued. No response from Customer Service

I signed up for Liven one time, for $29.99 but I didn’t receive a receipt. I didn’t think much of it because I assumed I could just go into account on the website and retrieve it whenever I needed it, because that’s what normal, decent, law-abiding businesses do.

3 months later, I suddenly got charged $99.99 by Liven. I hadn’t authorised this charge; I didn’t receive any prior notice that I was going to be charged; I hadn’t subscribed to anything new i.e. I have no idea what this charge is for. So, I went into the Liven app to look for an invoice. But the account and settings section doesn’t contain such info. So, I went to Liven’s website and it says “Our Web Product is currently unavailable”. I also sent an email to the customer support address, asking for an explanation for the charge, to cancel it, and to give a full refund. It’s been more than a week and I’ve not heard back. I’ll dispute it as a fraudulent charge based on my credit card’s guidelines.

This is all very disappointing to say the least, for an app that’s supposed to help people.

Update: June 4 2024
Despite their response about how deeply sorry they are here (and my subsequent reply to them with my email add) – The Liven still HAS NOT reached out to me. I’ve reported it as a fraudulent charge in my credit card, so my bank issued a new card to me AND The Liven charged US$99.99 to my new credit card again!!! This is outrageous. Everything they say here is lip service. Otherwise, how is it that they have my contact information for 2 weeks now; they have yet to reach out; AND charged another $99.99 when I specifically disputed this charge, requested for a cancellation and refund.

This is not right

Date of experience: May 08, 2024