Only to then charge me $59.99 the following month, for a continued “subscription.”

Disgusted – Scammers – Do not Use

Disgusted. I have enjoyed several “mindfulness” apps over the last few years. As I came across this “company” via social media, I purchased a one-time course for “procrastination” for $14.99. The app malfunctioned the 2nd day of using it – between freezing screens and not reporting data so that I could move forward in the app, I promptly asked for a refund. The quality was noticeably sub-par. They responded to my request FIVE days after I sent, asking me to provide a “screenshot” of me using the app. Um, excuse me? That was 5 days ago. Why would I have had my phone screen showing an app issue for 5 days so that I could have it readily available to take a screen shot? After several attempts to receive confirmation of a cancellation and refund, they threatened several times to close my case. Only to then charge me $59.99 the following month, for a continued “subscription.” Absolutely not. Why would I want to have anything to do this with “company?” Investigations are underway. FRAUDULENT vibes. SCAMMERS. UNETHICAL. You get it.

**Liven did follow-up and did stay true to their word; they refunded the full amount and apologized for all I had to go through in order to relay my concerns.

Date of experience: June 02, 2024